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OliveClan’s territory takes place somewhere at a seashore at the Mediterranean.
The clan’s camp is near the beach, in a huge, underground cave filled with crystals. It protects us from the heat and during the rainy seasons it keeps the wind out. The dens are made out of thicket, so everyone get can some peace when they want to.
During the warm seasons the sky is dark blue, with little to no clouds on it. During the rainy seasons the weather turns colder, however the leaf-bares are mild, the water hardly ever freezes. Because of this, there is plenty of prey running around all year.
But of course, this beautiful area has its own dangers, such as carnivorous birds, venomous spiders, snakes and scorpions. Next to the beach, there is a huge forest, filled with oak and sclerophyll trees. The outer parts of the woods are perfect places to hunt, however at the heart of the forest is a great danger, that took the lives of many beloved clanmates: The Scorpion Nest. It is right at the middle of a small clearing, that is filled with really important herbs, thanks to a small stream. Only the bravest and most skilled warriors go near it to collect the useful remedies.
There is a twolegplace not too far away from the forest, where the clan's arch enemies, the rouges live.
But the most interesting part of this land is The Ancient Olive Tree that is on top of a hill, right next to the woods. It is the symbol of peace and that is where StarClan communicates with the living. An old tradition is connected to this place, but that’s a story for another time.

North: Twolegplace North-West: Sea
North-East: Open for another clan West: Open
East: Open for another Clan
South-East: Sea
South: Sea

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