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Heatherstar | Leader | 36 moons | Female | Mate | Apprentice: Crimsonpaw|

Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


Credits to SpaghettiOhs for the art


Heatherkit was born into a litter of four. Being the runt of the litter, she was quite sickly and she would often get teased because of her small size and scrawny physique. She had a loving family, but she often felt like her parents loved her 3 siblings more, who were more lively and mischievous.Time passed and it was time for her and her siblings to become apprentices. She was mentored to Swancloud, who was famous for being very shy and gentle. Of course, Heatherpaw was very disappointed, because she thought that Redstar didn’t take her seriously and gave her a bad mentor purposefully. But she promised herself that one day she will prove everyone that she is just as good, maybe even better than her littermates. Even though Swancloud wasn’t the mentor she dreamed of, but she was always patient and kind to

her. Heatherpaw was a pretty decent apprentice, however she always envied how much more praise and attention her siblings seemed to get after bringing home several pieces of fresh-kill or helping to chase away foxes and badgers successfully.

When she and her siblings reached the age of 12 moons I was finally time for their final assessment, her time to prove she was worthy. But she didn’t have much luck with hunting that day, but she was so desperate to prove she is just like her siblings that she took away a fellow apprentice’s, heronpaw’s catch. However during her warrior ceremony she was so guilty that she admitted the theft and her ceremony was delayed. She realized that she let her insecurities form her actions and made a promise that she will try her best to earn back her clan’s trust. She worked hard and two moons later she earned her warrior name.
Heatherbreeze got her suffix because even though breezes might be weak and gentle they can turn into a giant storm any moment. She and Heronpaw (Who later became Heronflight) actually turned out to be great friends and when Heatherbreeze turned into Heatherstar, her choice for deputy was obvious. She has made a long journey from the self-conscious and whiny apprentice to a wise and respected warrior and later leader. She sometimes still thinks about it, but now she is almost happy that things turned out the way they did.


Heatherstar is a big perfectionist. When things don’t go as planned, she gets frustrated and blames herself for it. This might lead back to her kithood, where she was sickly runt in a litter of four, where she had to struggle to get noticed by anyone. This lowered her self-esteem badly and made her afraid of making mistakes. And the fact that she is a clan leader now, with several lives in her paws doesn’t exactly help this issue. But she puts on a bold and confident outward appearance, so that others won’t know of her insecurities.

But her disadvantages also made her stronger and hard-working. She always fought for what she thought was right with a strong passion, giving the best of her best no matter what. She doesn’t have any outstanding talents, she isn’t strong, nor big, but she learned to compensate her weak body with wits and earned the respect of the clan. However, her undying determination can quickly turn into stubbornness, which will drive her until she has burn out.

The other things she has been known for is her empathy. If a clanmate feels down it also make her sad. She can easily pick up on her clanmates’ emotions and tries to be there for every single one of them. In fact, the cats of OliveClan sometime joke about that she is like a second mother to the whole clan. Most likely this is the reason why Redstar chose her as his deputy and potential successor.

But watch out! This kitty has quite a temper. Since she is mostly driven by her emotions, she sometimes can lash out in anger to people, who she didn’t mean to hurt. But thank for Starclan, she isn’t alone, her best friend and deputy Heronfeather is there to help her calm down. You can often see these two watching the sun as it sinks below the horizon, just talking about feelings, clan business or pretty much anything. They deeply care for one another and went through so many ups and downs. Without Heron’s help Heather is sure that she wouldn’t be able to rebuild the caln after The Great Fire.

The fact that she has gone from zero to hero inspires to many cats in the clan. But her clanmates also inspire her to be the best leader she can be.

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